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Last Updated Date 16.04.2024

Quarterly Journal of Woman and Society

Open Access: All Papers Freely Available

Publication language: Persian (with extended English abstract)

The " Woman and Society " journal got its scientific degree at the session of 2009/07/27. This decision was made on the fifty-sixth session of the Scientific Review and Confirmation Commission of Islamic Azad University.

The Woman and Society Journal has received the scientific-research credentials from the Scientific Committee of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, Letter No. 508003/11/3, dated 2011/06/15.

To inform the respected authors and reviewers:


  According to the evaluation and ranking results of the year 1400, announced by the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, the Quarterly Journal of Woman and Society has been ranked "A".

 In this journal all articles before referring are reviewed by “hamyab” system (plagiarism check).

Current Issue: Volume 15, Issue 58, July 2024