The role of handicraft cooperatives in empowering the women of Qeshm Global Geopark

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD in Tourism Management, Department of Tourism, Bam Higher Education Complex, Kerman, Iran

2 Member of the faculty of Tourism Department, Bam Higher Education Complex, Kerman, Iran



The tourism industry, as an industry that provides women access to job opportunities and economic participation, has played an important role in empowering women. Qeshm Global Geopark, as a tourism destination that has expressed cooperation with economic activists of local community as one of its goals, has been able to create many opportunities for women's employment. According to this issue, the present research examines whether the development of tourism in the village of Borke Khalaf has empowered the women of the village through their active participation in handicraft production cooperatives, and what evidence and documentation are there in relation to the empowerment of women in the village of Borke Khalaf can be identified.


The method used in this research is a combination of observation methods, qualitative interview and memory protocol.


The results of the research show that the development of tourism activities in Qeshm Geopark has been effective in empowering women in various economic, social, psychological and political dimensions.


Due to the positive performance, this cooperative was able to act as a model for women in other villages of the island. Also, the managers of the Geopark emphasized the alignment of the activities of these cooperatives with the fifth goal of development, which deals with the issue of gender equality, and in this regard, they implemented educational programs for women in other villages.


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